Monday, 14 February 2022


The Musikinstrument was another enigmatic design by Russolo. It's unclear how the instrument will be played to make the sound, but I've started to construct it and perhaps this will become clearer once it's made. Russolo obtained a patent for this machine in Germany 1920. I've put a copy here Musikinsrument patent 1920

Like the French patent of 1931, the musical instrument which used a conveyor belt to activate a spring, I wonder if it was ever made or if it will be practical. I intend to find out.

I can't decide whether to put the tubes in a linear or triangular configuration. I'll just have to see which method will achieve the best lever slide action. As you can see I'm using transparent tubes. Here I intend to have coloured lights in the machine to create a synesthesia effect which of course was one of Russolos investigations.

I've only just 'sat' the tubes on the holes. I need to 3D print some brackets once I've figured out the code. In the meantime I'll start the scissor leaver mechanism.

21st Sept progress

Underneath the drum there is a skin tensioning slider mechanism. Without a proper orthographic view of this, the drawing would suggest it slides at an angle. I think so positioned it would be difficult to work with the lever.


So I'm fixing the rail centrally.

Fixing the slider mechanism.