Thursday, 6 September 2018

The Bletchley Park 'Bombe'

I've recently visited the Bletchley park museum where I saw the 'Bombe' an Electro magnetic device used to decode German messages during World War two.

Seeing the discs spinning round gave me idea of making  of making a electro mechanic music synthesizer.  I quite liked the visual effect of the brightly coloured discs at the front,

and of course the  red cables making connections between the cells at the back.

The back of the bombe even looks like an early synth. So all I have to do is make a number of cells generating a sound mechanically which in turn I could connect to other cells and mechanical rhythm units using Piezo contact pickups.

I'm planning it to be a lamellophone. Here I'm drawing inspiration from the Hohner Guitaret in the way its metal reeds/ tines were arrange according to circle of fifths.

Here's my first prototype cell put together quickly. I've still got to decide on the best material for the metal reed/ tine. Here I've used drain cleaner spring steel, I'm going to try piano wire. If I can't get a good sound I may go for a string disc solution similar to the intonarumoris I've made.

 I've also got to decide on the best position for the piezo pickup as it can amplify a range of sounds the cell is making. The final version will use a speed controller. I think a bank of 16 or more of these cells are going to sound very interesting.

Here's the first batch of cells in production. Only another 20 to go. I'm also looking to now use a magnetic coil similar to a guitar pickup. My initial experiments are promising but the coil picks up electric 'noise' from the motor so I need to work out how to add shielding.